which we have carried out for many years, and how true the saying is true.
"who does not sweat in peace, sheds blood in war"
We re-evaluated the experiences we gained from the many operations we participated in, in the light of the developing arms industry and technological developments, according to the war environments, and we searched for the reasons for failure or success and updated the training systems that should actually be.
For this reason, we have started to plan realistic and scenario-based trainings rather than classical static trainings.
Thus , we aimed that the personnel at the level from the single soldier to the regiment commander , make the decisions to be taken in the conflict environment correctly , under the difficulty of modern combat conditions .
The most important detail that distinguishes us from others
To gain the ability to use all kinds of advanced technological weapon systems in a coordinated, effective and timely manner in a conflict environment,
To gain the ability to use the combat equipment in the most effective way.
SAT NAVAL Special Forces “SAT Tactical Training”
This is top level NAVAL SPECIAL FORCES Unit training.
For more information please contact with us
V.B.S.S. (visit board search and siege)
This is an anti pirracy and counter terrorrist unit training
Naval Special Forces, Marine Commando, units are suitable fort his trainings
For more information please contact with us
Sniper / Sharp Shooter
This training consist of two phases
Sharp shooter :
Each Squad/Platoon has one sharp shooter.This is a part of tactical training oftheCommando trainings.
2. Sniper :
This is a very special training for elite unit members.
For more information please contact with us
Free fall parachute
(High Altitude Low Opening – HALO ) ,
(High Altitude High Opening - HAHO)
For more information please contact with us
Search nd Rescue –SAR
Combat Search and Rescue – C-SAR
For more information please contact with us
E.O.D. ( Explosive Ordnance Disposal)
For more information please contact with us
I.E.D. ( Improved Explosive Devices)
For more information please contact with us
C.Q.B. ( Close Quarter Combat)
This is special forces “urban warfare” and “antiterror” operation trainings.
For more information please contact with us
Machine gunner
This is for special commando squad and platon machinegunners
For more information please contact with us
Armoured Vehicles Gunner
For more information please contact with us
L- APC Driving techniques (Light - Armoured Personel Carrier)
For more information please contact with us
Mountainer Commando
For more information please contact with us
Tactical Drone Opertaion
Ukraine-russia conflict and Azarbaijan – Ermenia conflict shows us tactical drone traning is one of the important factor of the Modern Battelfield operations. We especially focused the efefctive drone operation fort he front line units ..
For more information please contact with us